Thursday, August 28, 2008

Minutes of the Aug. 12, 2008 Meeting from Jennifer

This just in from Jennifer - the minutes from August 12, 2008 meeting at the McIntire Room, Jefferson-Madison Library. Posted by Peter Kleeman

Hi Everybody!

I hope everyone had a great summer!! I've been remiss in my duties as the Do Something Charlottesville note-taker! We met on August 12 this month (due to scheduling difficulties) and though we were a small group, we had two great guests! Mike McCoy of Appalachian Voices and Antigone Ambrose of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network joined us to speak about upcoming actions. Briefly, here are the topics we discussed and any updates since the meeting:

1) Perriello vs. Goode: On August 13, Peter Kleeman attended the Virginia Senior Statesman forum featuring Tom Perriello and Virgil Goode. Peter submitted a question about addressing climate change, and even though it was not selected, both candidates addressed energy issues. Virgil Goode advocated drilling offshore and in the Alaskan wildlife refuge and generating coal based energy. Perriello was in favor of some new oil drilling - not in ANWR - and development of alternative energy sources. He did not mention coal in his answer. Later, Peter had the chance to ask him directly about his energy policy and the answer was vague. Peter suggested that we communicate the need for addressing these issues - and possibly suggest explicit positions for him to consider adopting. Email can be sent to him at if you wish to follow up by email.

2) Meeting with Goode: Our legislators are on recess and we are trying to schedule a meeting with Virgil Goode at his Charlottesville office to discuss our concerns about environmental issues in Virginia, including mountaintop removal mining and energy efficiency. I haven't had any luck getting a meeting yet, but I'll keep you posted!

3) Governor's Commission on Climate Change: On August 27, public comments were heard by the commission that Governor Kaine has created to address climate change. There were 45 speakers and 44 of them asked the commission to recommend exceeding the governor's proposed greenhouse gas reduction targets. Concerned citizens from across Virginia (some traveled 15 hours roundtrip to offer their comments) proposed scientific, religious, and moral reasons to use renewable energy, demand energy efficiency, and end the use of fossil fuels. I represented Do Something Charlottesville! You can see what the commission is up to and leave written comments here:

4) PVCC Green Job Training: Peter Kleeman is on the board of Piedmont Virginia Community College now and he spoke about having the school be a leader in providing green jobs training. Antigone suggested that he find ideas about this from 1Sky, who has three goals: No new coal, green jobs, and science-based targets for global warming reductions. They're having a national day of action for Green Jobs on September 27.

5) Clean Energy Pledge: The Wise Energy Coalition (Appalachian Voices, CCAN, SAMS, Sierra Club, and SELC) are planning to use a Clean Energy Pledge to identify the good, the bad, and the ugly in the Virginia General Assembly. They are proposing that groups from across Virginia target their representatives to garner support for clean energy in Virginia by asking them to sign this pledge. The organization and training for the pledge would be a lead up to the next topic….

6) Introducing Bills in the Virginia General Assembly: The Wise Energy Coalition is working on some bills to introduce in next year's General Assembly! Preparation begins with the Clean Energy Pledge above.

7) Left of Center: Jennifer is going to try to arrange for Mike McCoy of App Voices to speak at a Left of Center meeting. LoC is a group for youngish democrat (and "dem-curious") people that meet every month to hear a lecture and discuss various topics.

8) Our next three DSC meetings are scheduled in our regular meeting room (Central Library, McIntire Room) on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30: September 3, October 1, and November 5.

The fall is here! The climate is changing! Let's get back to work!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Do Something (Charlottesville)- Tonight

Do Something Charlottesville's monthly meet-up is tonight at the downtown library - McIntire Room (third floor front). Get involved in taking action on climate change, environmental preservation and enhancement, and really do something. Join us at 6:30 pm.

Here is the blurb from Jennifer....

Hi Do Something Charlottesville!

Just a reminder, our monthly planning meeting is tonight at 6:30 in the Jefferson Room of Central Library downtown.


Dominion Debrief
Puppet/Rally Planning
Revisiting the Mission of DSC

Hope to see you there!!!!

Also, I just heard about this and thought some of you might be interested:

Southeast Convergence for Climate Action

WHEN: August 5—August 11,

WHERE: Central VA -- Sophia House in Louisa County Virginia

This summer, join people of all ages and backgrounds for the second annual Southeast Convergence for Climate Action. We are excited to continue the struggle for climate justice in the southeast with an engaging week of workshops, strategizing, and direct action! This year's convergence will be hosted in Virginia where communities are fighting uranium mining, nuclear power, mountaintop removal coal mining, and new (as well as old) coal plants. We will unite to fight the coal industry's stranglehold on our region while rejecting the deadly nuke industry's attempt to position itself as the solution to the climate crisis.

The convergence is a place to strengthen our movement, network with new allies, and take action against dirty energy while working to build a sustainable world.

Workshops will include: community organizing, direct action 101, debunking false solutions to climate change, blockades, sustainable living systems, media, disaster response, fighting nukes and coal, and much more. The convergence will culminate in an empowering action to show that the southeast is serious about tackling climate change.

For more information visit or email:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Meeting Notes from June 4 meeting

Meeting Notes from June 4 DSC meeting:

1. Everyone will forward the puppet making blurb (below) to their friends and family and ask for RSVPs:

Puppets for Protest! Art for Activism!
Saturday, June 14 from 1-5 p.m.
at Washington Park (1000 Preston Ave) in Charlottesville

Join Do Something Charlottesville and Mountain Justice Virginia for

a puppet-making extravaganza

Art, puppets and other creative materials has been used over the centuries for political protest. From 10 ft tall political figures to spinning windmills, puppets are very useful for demonstrations, rallies and public events.

Please join us for an afternoon workshop in Charlottesville where we will be making puppets in preparation for a summer of activism.
This workshop is free and open to the public. Appropriate for all ages -- so bring the family!

What to bring:
Large Cardboard
Paint and Art Supplies
Any Creative Crafts you can contribute!

For questions, comments and to RSVP, please respond to or 434-960-2080

2. Jennifer will give Hannah a DSC (Do Something Charlottesville) outreach email to send to the CCAN (Chesapeake Climate Action Network) list of Charlottesville activists. There will be a new email list for the people who want to be involved in activities, but not be involved with DSC organization --

3. Jennifer will ask someone at the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice about permitting requirements on the downtown mall for the clean energy rally to be held on Friday, June 20.

4. For the "End of Suburbia," the group will try to find an appropriate time to schedule the next showing. Peter will determine if there is an appropriate library event that we could schedule around. Shirley will contact the environmental group associated with the Unitarian church to determine if they want to co-host. Other possible locations: Pavilion, Tandem.

5. Shirley will send the group information about CREEC.

6. Everyone will write letters to Governor Kaine about the people he is about to appoint for Citizen Environmental Boards and the SCC.

Upcoming Events:

June 14 -- Puppet-making (see blurb above)

June 16 -- Transportation meeting: Town meeting on transportation with Delegate David Toscano and Senator Creigh Deeds on Monday, June 16, at 7 PM at the Albemarle County office building at 1600 5th St. Extended, Room A.

June 20 --5:00 pm Clean Energy Rally at the free speech wall on the downtown mall.

Monday, June 2, 2008

June Meeting at Library (McIntire Room) on June 4 at 6:30 pm

Hello DSCville-ers!

This is a reminder that we will be having our regular monthly meeting THIS WEDNSDAY, June 4, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will take place at our usual space in the McIntire Room at the Central Library on E. Market Street. Please come ready to prepare for our June action and to brainstorm about our July action!

Also, please be sure to spread the word about the Puppet workshop and invite your friends! And don't forget to RSVP -- it will help us know how many materials to bring.

JUNE ACTION: Puppet making workshop!
When: Saturday, June 14 at 1-5 p.m.
Where: Washington Park (1000 Preston Avenue) in Charlottesville, Virginia

The use of arts, puppets and other creative materials has been used over centuries of political protest. From 10 ft tall political figures to spinning windmills, puppets are very useful for demonstrations, rallies and public events.

Please join us for an afternoon workshop in Charlottesville where we will be making puppets in preparation for a summer of activism.

This workshop is free and open to the public. Appropriate for all ages -- so bring the family!

Charlottesville, Virginia

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jennifers photos from Earthday at Charlottesville High School Field - 2008

Here are three photos from the Do Something Charlottesville group at Earthday -2008

Peter (in beach wear - with global warming we will have more beach days each year) after setting up the poster display for Do Something Charlottesville table.

Jim wearing his 'coal-burning power plant chimney' hat with Michael holding the mile-long petetion sign-up clipboard at the table.

Hannah doing one of her many face-paintings behind our earthday table.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Bringing the mile-long petetion against the Wise County Coal Plant to Dominion in Richmond VA

Here are some of the photos I shot at the event on May 08, 2008. - Peter Kleeman

First things first -- here is the first page of the mile-long petition.

The rest of the mile-long petition was strung on wire stands through much of Kanawa Plaza in Richmond.

After the comments by a variety of speakers, the petition was collected ...

and boxed in three boxes (here is Hannah Morgan packing one of the boxes) ...

in preparation for delivery to Dominion officials.

Somewhere around 200 folks assembled at Kanawa Plaza from around the state to rally against the Wise County Coal Plant. Here is some of the crowd listening to the speakers....

and here is the crowd when the boxes of petitions were being delivered to Dominion officials.

Below are some shots of the organizers and speakers from Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Appalacian Voices, Sierra Club, Southern Environmental Law Center and others...

It is never easy to determine if your voice is being heard. One person displayed his thoughts to Dominion officials in the form of a sign with "NO COAL" directed toward the corporate headquarters. Below is a photo as viewed toward Dominion headquarters followed by the view Dominion employees would see from their windows.